Sunday, October 6, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 32

Marketing - Essay Example Company A is mostly addressing the business customer and while B advertises very frequently to get more home customers. While my company also caters to the home market along with a few occasional business customers. I have found that the word-of-mouth publicity works wonders to get new customers because they always ask their neighbors or friends or acquaintances about where they purchased their PC. While all the companies work at more or less similar pricing, the one differentiator is the after sales service. If we offer exceptional after sales service we are bound to get more references from our existing customers. The competitors future plan as I see it: Company A is likely to get into the Home PC market with a flurry of advertising activities. Company B will try to eat into Company A business PC market by employing more on-the-field sales staff. There is definitely a market trend towards more notebook PCs for traveling businessmen which lies untapped in the market. I plan to get them to visit my showroom for a touch-feel experience with a few models of notebook PCs which none of the competitors are doing. Another thing that I am planning in order to sell more PCs to the home market is to conduct a Computer Exhibition at a public place where customers can come easily and visit in order to see the various models at various price points so that they can choose according to their requirements and budgets. I plan to repeat this every quarter so that the flow of orders are sustained and improved. If things go according to the plans I should be able to sell more than 100 Pcs per month which should take me to the number 1 position. Effective efficiency: In the market to survive, the company should use policies which can make its customers happy as well as the company does not have any monitory loss, this process can be called as real balancing act, which can be done through energy efficiency, most powerful and

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