Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I DONT HAVE ONE YET Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

I DONT HAVE ONE YET - Research Paper Example She had just been married for two years; and already was getting a lot of trouble in her marriage. She was really traumatized by the inevitably changing circumstances in her marriage following a strong and stable relationship she had had with her boyfriend. I remember when she was still in college and was really in love with her boyfriend Martin. Martin too loved her and this is the reason they got married immediately after finishing college. Liz was my best friend and this automatically qualified Martin as a good friend of mine. Consequently, we had many common friends because of this marriage and the friendship network. When Martin proposed divorce as a measure of solving their problems, we were all really devastated and Liz was too depressed to control the situation. I sympathized and empathized with her and at most times everything just went out of hand and I felt like I could no longer help in solving their situation. I too grew distressed of this. We no longer had good moments with Liz as we always deed since she spent most of her time in the bed weeping. Overtime she even grew cold and impossible to engage in a conversation. This reciprocated by withdrawing from our friendship and even withdrawing from her own self; she was no longer eating well nor caring fr her personal hygiene. There is a tremendous increase in divorce rates in the world today especially in the Northern America. In he United States of America, the current divorce rates lies at 50%. This typically means that 50% of America’s marriages end in dissolution (Cherlin Pgs 28-29). This is an alarming issue in the world today as divorce comes with many consequences that negatively involve even the innocent children that find themselves in the middle of such marriages. In Canada alone, statistics show that there are 2.11 divorces per every 500 families; there were 70,226 divorce cases in 2008 alone. This rate is a bit higher in America where there are 3.6 divorce cases per every 1,000 pe ople or 500 families (Cherlin Pg 29). The reasons for divorce varies from one region in the Northern America to another but the impacts are similar (Levinger & Oliver Pg 103). Divorce is a very bitter and heartbreaking monster to many families in the current generation. It mostly involves couples that at one point were very happy together, and they go through traumatizing moments to forget such days after divorce. It is so hard and it takes a long time and a lot of strength for such couples to overcome the confusion and trauma surrounding life, love and relationships. Martin had started withdrawing from Liz immediately they lost their first child at five months. Their child died of chronic pneumonia and Martin had always felt a sense of blame to Liz. He always accused her of negligence and lack of proper care to the child in terms proper and protective dressing of the child. Therefore, he withdrew from Liz after the child’s death and when Liz was devastated and tired of pursu ing Martin’s closeness, she too withdrew: not to me this time, bur to our other male friend Jack. Martin felt bad and in turn started being overprotective and jealous about Liz and Jack. At some point, he even engaged jack in a fight and the whole friendship network was falling apart. Liz instead withdrew further to a point that Martin proposed a divorce. This is when Liz again started to feel that she needed him more than

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