Monday, March 9, 2020

Today, Linux is a very versatile Operating System. essays

Today, Linux is a very versatile Operating System. essays Today, Linux is a very versatile Operating System. It allows you to run many applications at the same time, also called "Multi Tasking" and also allows for simultaneous multi-user logins. Linux will also run on a large range of systems, from that old 386 sitting in your basement, to those top of the line dream machines. It also runs on Sun SPARCs, Digital Alphas, Motorola, MIPs, PowerPCs, HP/AP platforms as well as AMD and Cyrix CPUs. Linux is also known for being stable and can run for days, months or even years without needing a reboot. In most cases, if anything does happen to crash, you are able to kill that program and life goes on, instead of having to reboot the entire system. And when comparing Linux to Windows, don't forget that Linux is a better match for "commercial grade" Windows NT or 2000 than it is for "consumer grade" Windows 95, 98, ME or XP when it comes to stability and networking ability except that Linux is generally more stable than Windows, and will run on less expensive or older hardware than current Windows versions. Windows and Mac only have one or two current versions each. Linux is about freedom and choice, so you have plenty of freedom to choose and until you have some experience with Linux, it is almost impossible to decide which of the many Linux distributions best fits your needs. All we can do here is give you a basic list and some information based on staff members' own experience with different Linux distributions. Will Linux replace Windows NT as the server OS of choice? "Linux is ready, or at least poised, to take on Windows NT for market dominance of server operating systems", said T. W. Burger Owner, Thomas Wolfgang Burger Consulting June 2000. It is the competitive choice for the user wanting a cheap, versatile, scalable, and reliable server solution. This article examines how Linux is ready to meet or exceed all user requirements that NT pro ...

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