Saturday, January 4, 2020

Communication Essay - 2481 Words

Interpersonal Communication Essay Communication is the first instrument that humans used in their process to socialize, interact with others and can be defined as the process of sending information about our though, opinions, feelings to another person . Why we communicate? We communicate to know each other, to find out about others emotions, to change information, to convince others to understand our point of view and build relations. Interpersonal communication is the most important form of communication and is the most used. People cannot avoid this type of communication, and their social relation depends on their ability to engage in a conversation with others... Interpersonal communication is the process that†¦show more content†¦It has been estimated that their can be a 60% loss of meaning in the transmission of messages from sender to receiver, hence it is no surprise that most companies find that communications is at the root of a lot of there problems. We have to be aware of all the potential sources of communication in order to avoid these barriers in the future. There are 5 main barriers to communication the first is Physical barriers. They are often due to the nature of the environment. As an example, the natural barrier which exists if staffs are located in different buildings or on different sites it will make it harder for them to communicate with each other. Likewise, poor or outdated equipment, particularly the failure of management to introduce new technology, may also cause problems. Staff shortages are another factor which frequently causes communication difficulties for an organisation. Whilst distractions like background noise, poor lighting or an environment which is too hot or cold can all affect peoples morale and concentration, which in turn interfere with effective communication. The second barrier I would like to talk about is Language barriers. When we are trying to communicate with another person we must make are message clear to them so they understand what to do. This is a process known as encoding. There are often problems doing this. For example, if you are sending an e mail or a written message to someone if you make mistakes inShow MoreRelated Communication Essays1083 Words   |  5 PagesCommunication Many managers devote a significant proportion of their time to communications both within and outside the business. Communication can be simply defined as the flow of information from one person to another. Effective communications are, therefore, vital to the success of the business, since the delegation of work, the feedback of information and the controlling of the business all rely on accurate, quick and effective communication flows. Good communication will reduceRead MoreEssay on Communication1632 Words   |  7 PagesCommunication In organisation the employees communicate in different ways, every single day. 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