Thursday, November 21, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Genetically Modified Foods - Research Paper Example h, environmental and genetic effects especially among long-term consumers. I. Introduction This paper highlighted some of the major effects that have been identified from the use of genetically modified foods such as roundup soybean, BT cotton among other animal feeds II. ... On this premise, these groups have been at the forefront of resisting any move by the government and regulatory bodies to legalize the use of genetically modified foods III. Methodology To provide a critical evaluation of the topic, different case studies have been highlighted to demonstrate the studied effects of genetically modified foods The Pustzai case study demonstrated how use of genetically modified potatoes increases the development of cancer cells in the body Monsanto developed soybean has been associated with a number of allergic reactions due to the nature of the proteins that results into immunoglobulin E initiated reactions The case study on the presence of gene transfer between genetically modified organisms and gut microorganisms has also been associated with the development of antibiotic resistance IV. Results From the case studies presented and the literature reviews done on this topic, the use of genetically modified foods have wide range impacts on the health of t he consumers and on the environment However, a number of positive attributes have also been identified through scientific research that makes the technology worth trying and doing more studies on V. Conclusions Genetically modified foods hold a great potential in the elimination of the current food crisis in the country However, the use of this technology must be strictly regulated and all safety issues taken care of to eliminate all the health concerns raised by different research findings The technology also presents significant implications on the environment which must be effectively handled and all GMFs evaluated to provide the link between their effects on the environment Abstract The current surge in the world population has resulted into

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