Friday, December 27, 2019

Four Learning Styles TEAC21 Essay - 987 Words

Four Learning Styles 1.Sensing-Thinking or Mastery Learners What Motivates Mastery Learners? Master learners rely on sensing as a mode of perception and thinking as a means of judgment or decision making. They prefer well-organized, highly-reutilized classrooms where expectations are clearly described and strongly related to practical outcomes such as good grades, things they can make or do, and practical connections to jobs and careers. More than anything else Mastery learners want to appear competent, able to complete the work assigned as well or better than other students in their classrooms or grade levels. How Mastery Students Learn Most Easily The combination of sensing with thinking creates students with a strong need for†¦show more content†¦How Understanding Students Learn Most Easily The Understanding learner thrives in an intellectual atmosphere and has a strong drive for perfection. Rigorous texts, demanding and complex ideas, well-organized but provocative lectures stimulate Understanding learners’ brains to action. But this intellectual atmosphere needs to be balanced effectively with opportunities for them to develop their own ideas and to question, revise, and criticize the ideas of others. They may grasp a new concept with frightening speed and lucidity but may require more time to think things through and put the new learning into action. The demand for logical consistency means they have a strong need to question and test ideas. Finally, their concern with intellectual content and reasoning sometimes causes them to undervalue the need for routine work and practice resulting in boredom when teachers insist on drill and practice. 3.Intuitive-Feeling or Self-Expressive Learners What Motivates Self-Expressive Learners? Self-Expressive learners rely on intuition as a mode of perception and feeling as a means of judgment or decision making. The intuition of Self-Expressive learners uses hunch, guessing, and insight to organize the world into shifting patterns of possibility. Meanwhile, their feeling function applies association, memory, and emotion to the task of turning these patterns into concrete images they can

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Childhood Innocence In JD Salingers Catcher In The Rye

â€Å"The notion of innocence refers to childrens simplicity, their lack of knowledge, and their purity not yet spoiled by mundane affairs† according to Oxford Bibliography. Many people think of children as a representation of innocence. To them, childhood innocence vacates over time and doesn’t hold value or much importance. In Catcher in the Rye, it embodies much more significance. All of the qualities of childhood innocence mentioned from Oxford Bibliography hold significance in this symbolistic story. In Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger depicts the comforting escape of childhood innocence while transitioning to the adult world. Salinger demonstrates symbolism when he shows Holden expresses the desire to conserve his past as he transitions†¦show more content†¦Along with Phoebe, his red hunting hat obtains a similar amount of value to him. Salinger symbolizes the hat as protection from adulthood and his depression. Phoebe, who symbolizes childhood innocence, acts as an escape from adulthood and depression. With this, Holden decides to give his hat to Phoebe, preserving the innocence. Even though these contain the most value, when moving on, he lets them go to start his new life and preserve its importance. When Salinger shows Holden restricting himself from going into the museum and giving his hunting hat to Phoebe, he demonstrates symbolism. Salinger utilizes setting to show the importance of childhood innocence. Not only does Holden cherish childhood innocence, but he worries about what can damage it. When at Phoebe’s school, Holden notices a phrase on the wall that makes him worry about k ids at the school. Holden says â€Å"I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody’d written ‘Fuck you’ on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it and how they’d wonder what it meant† (221). Phoebe’s school represents innocence because of the kids that spend their day there playing and learning. The writing on the wall shocks him. It worries him that Phoebe and the little kids would see it, later figuring out what it meant and losing their innocence. Another example Salinger gives of Holden noticing the childhoodShow MoreRelatedEssay about J.D. Salingers Development of Holden Caulfield1174 Words   |  5 Pagestheir own life as inspiration towards their works and characters. J.D. Salinger’s character development of Holden Caulfield has been affected by Salinger’s complications in his school life, devastating past relationships, and overwhelming traumatic events dur ing his pre-The Catcher in the Rye adulthood. J.D. Salinger’s school life had many significant events that are shown through Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye. In the novel, the 17-year-old Holden Caulfield leaves Pencey Prep. InRead MoreCatcher in the Rye4413 Words   |  18 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye â€Å"Is The Catcher in the Rye, as a work of literature still relevant for today’s youth?† Name: Sara Sigurdson Course: English A1 Supervisor: Mr. Peter Steadman Word count: 3851 Candidate number: 00136022 Table of Contents Content Page Number Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Actual Catcher in the Rye 4 The Sexual Matter 5 The Caulfield Family 6 Narrator and Protagonist 8 Role Model 9 Mr. Antolini 10 Targeted Audience 10 Guidance 12 Read More Importance of Language in The Catcher in the Rye Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚   The Catcher in the Rye, like many other great works, was met by scornful criticism and unyielding admiration. However, many literary critics also marveled at Salingers use of language, which was used to make Holden Caulfield, the main character, extremely realistic. Such language includes both repetition of phrases and blatant cursing, in order to capture the informal speech of the average, northeastern American adolescent. Through Holdens thoughts and dialogues, Salinger successfully createdRead MoreEtymology and Symbolism of Characters Names in Catcher in the Rye1967 Words   |  8 PagesNames in Catcher in the Rye      Ã‚  Ã‚   Catcher in the Ryes pallid cover, adorned only with seven multicolored bands in its upper-left corner, is not what one would call eye-catching. Its reverse side lacks criticisms or reviews of any sort; in fact, it is bare of anything except a copyright date. Human beings are advised not to judge books by their covers, rather that they should look further than the obvious and try to apprehend the implied meaning. The world has peered past Catcher in the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Woman Representation in Comic Books for Portrayal - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theWoman Representation in Comic Books for Portrayal. Answer: Comic books always had the difficulty in maintaining the characterization of women. Women portrayal in comic books has always been a topic of controversy, since its inception. Both Marvel and DC comics are trying to promote women characters, with an attempt of de-sexualizing them. Marvel tried to showcase some super talents but the attempts are mostly unsuccessful. Critics have argued that women roles as supporting or lead characters are more subjected to the gender stereotypes; often they are objectified in a sexualized manner. Apart from super girls, women were primarily depicted in secondary characters, for example; career girls, sexy teenagers or romantic heroines. Previously, the female comic creators have always been a minority in the comic industry. They have made notable impact in the beginning. However, female comic writers dont achieve much recognition as that of the male comic artists. Women comic creators have been working in every genre, beginning from superheroes to romance, horror to crime, war to westerns and more. Some famous women comic writers are; Becky Cloonan, Gail Simone, Kate Leth and others. Therefore, differences still exists in this modern society and women are portrayed in stereotypical manner. At times, some of the characters sex appeal is used to launch the comic series (Bongco). While male superheroes are portrayed as some serious figure, womens sexuality is being used enormously. A few months ago, the movie Wonder Woman adapted from the famous DC Comics character, released and received mixed reviews. Many argued that the representation of the female character was too mainstream. Some said the character is much of a feminist icon, others felt it was just another movie with a female superhero. However, the sexualization of female characters in comic world is a major concern. Even Marvel comics depict women in a blatant manner, treating them unequally as compared to their male counterparts. Therefore, comics make women seem week, less aggressive, less dangerous and not on an equal track with the male characters (Wolf). References Bongco, Mila.Reading comics: Language, culture, and the concept of the superhero in comic books. Routledge, 2014. Wolf, Naomi.The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. Random House, 2013.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Valley Forge free essay sample

The question for many of us men is Should I quit? I have thought long and hard about this but I am deciding to reenlist for three main reasons: the sickness of the men, loyality to my country, and belief in our cause. Grabber Background Restatement of question Definition of key terms (if necessary) Thesis Roadmap First body paragraph: It is February 1, 1778, and about one-half of Washingtons army are too sick to report for roll call. (Doc A) During the winter, between 1800 and 2500 will die from illness. (Doc A) I admit these numbers make me scared sometimes. I want to live like any man. My parents need me to plant the spring wheat. But all this sickness and death makes me realize that I cant quit now. I dont want my dead friends to have died for nothing. I am not Just fighting for myself. I am fighting for my fallen comrads. We will write a custom essay sample on Valley Forge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Baby Evidence with citations Argument Second body paragraph: A second reason I am reenlisting is loyalty to my government. Several weeks ago a fine group of fellows called the Committee of Congress arrived at Valley Forge. I remember our first visit together, us in rags, and they in their fine clothes. Doc B) We idnt know quite what to make of them but they have stayed on through much of the winter, helping the General with his heavy responsibility. The Committee makes me feel that my government cares, that someone is listening. My government supports me. I will stay on and support my government. Baby Thesis Third body paragraph: What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. (Doc D) In other words, youve got to be willing to pay the price if you want something important. So what does this mean? It means when the going gets tough, youve Just got to take a big breath and ouve got to do the Job. You dont cut and run. You reenlist. Freedom is worth the price! Baby Thesis Conclusion: I do understand why some of my fellow soldiers are going home. Our huts are all smoky, we go days without meat, our clothes are torn up. (Docs B and C) We even hear stories about local farmers, Americans, who are selling their food to the British in Philadelphia. I simply feel that our cause is bigger than all this. Theres still a Job to do. I will go do it. Restatement of thesis Although statement Main argument which trumps although statement Why the question is important today

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Pregnancy Life Stage Essays - Nutrition, Biomolecules, Midwifery

The Pregnancy Life Stage Essays - Nutrition, Biomolecules, Midwifery The Pregnancy Life Stage Running head: PREGNANCY LIFE STAGE Pregnancy Life Stage 1 Pregnancy Life Stage SCI/160 University of Phoenix July 25, 2000 Melissa Dolewa Pregnancy Life Stage Does nutrition status affect fertility? Good overall nutrition, rather than eating any specific food, greatly improves your chances of conceiving a child. For women, nutrient deficiencies and low-calorie diets at one extreme, and obesity at the other, can disrupt ovulation. Poor nutrition can also have an impact on male fertility. In order to get pregnant, doctors recommend that both women and men eat healthy, exercise and keep a positive mental attitude to increase chances of fertilization. Eating healthy, exercise and keeping a positive mental attitude are equally important during pregnancy and after pregnancy. According to, carrying a baby for nine months and then providing it with breast milk afterward is a major nutritional stress on a womans body. Food intake increases only 15-20%, but requirements for specific nutrients such as folic acid, zinc, and certain B vitamins may increase by 30-100%. In addition, less than optimal nutrition can result in low-birth weight babies with increased risk of heart disease and non-insulin-dependent diabetes as adults. ( Both over-eating and under-eating can adversely affect the qualities and quantities of breast milk, which is explained further under Dietary Requirements During Pregnancy. During pregnancy, nutrients are passed from mother to fetus through the placenta, and after birth, through breast-milk. The main vitamins and nutrients needed by mother and fetus is explained in the chart below: Nutrient/Vitamin Amount Needed Benefit Source Protein Need for pregnant women is increased by 10 to 15 grams daily (1 glass of milk contains 8 grams of protein). Forms structural basis for all new cells and tissues for both the mother and fetus (Texas Department of Health) Carbohydrates 50-100 g/daily Prevents ketosis, which, during pregnancy, can cause brain damage to the fetus. Pregnancy Life Stage Nutrient/Vitamin Amount Needed Benefit Source Folate 400-800 micrograms daily Prevents anemia during pregnancy, may prevent miscarriage, preserves the integrity of genetic material, and lowers risk of neural tube defects like spina-bifuda Calcium 1000-1500 mg/daily Milk production and growing bones Iron 30 mg beginning 12th week of pregnancy Binds oxygen to hemoglobin and prevent iron-deficiency anemia Nutrition During Pregnancy, National Academy of Sciences Vitamin D Adequate sun exposure, or 10 mg/daily for complete vegetarians and 5 mg/daily for woman who dont eat vitamin D-fortified foods (dairy products) Promotes fetal growth, bone formation, tooth enamel formation and the proper utilization of calcium Vitamin B-6 2-5 mg/day during 1st higher doses may shut off milk production Manufacture of hormones, hemoglobin, neurotransmitters, many enzymes, and amino acids. Vitamin E 200 IU Decreases risk of premature babies and low-birth weight infants and may lower the risk of miscarriage. Vitamin A Follow the RDA of 2700 IU daily Provides baby with vitamin A reserves and sustains adequate breast-mil concentrations. Zinc 10-30 mg daily is sufficient and considered safe; excessive intake of zinc can lower HDL-cholesterol. Reduces risk of miscarriage, labor complications, neural tube defects and low-birth babies Food plays a major role in promoting a healthy life. However, during the pregnancy cycle, nutrition is of even greater importance because of the effects on both the mother and baby. Many people have said that a pregnant mother is eating for two, which in fact is correct. The mother needs a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, water and fiber in the diet each day. Pregnancy Life Stage One suggested food plan, developed by, suggests that during the first 2 to 3 months of pregnancy, a woman should try eating small amounts frequently throughout the day to keep the energy higher. If the mother only eats larger amounts of food less frequently, she may experience discomfort due to her energy levels reaching highs and lows. The food plan also recommends that the mother eat raw vegetables, fruits, juices, milk, breads and cereals in between meals as a way to keep the metabolic rate and energy steady. Each food group has recommended or suggested serving amounts for a pregnant woman. An outline of the serving amounts for each food group is as follows: The Five Food Groups Suggested Number of Servings Fruits and

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Hidden Curriculum

Over the years past billions of dollars have been spent on computers for our nation’s schools. The goal was to improve and update our educational system but there is very little evidence of change through the years and taxpayers that have been paying for these upgrades in the schools want to know where the payoff is. A small Belridge school district in Mckittrick, California was proud to be the first and only in the state to provide every student with two Apple IIg computers, one for school and one for home. It reshaped its curriculum to use computers in all subject areas and they thought it was working well. The parents were shocked to hear when the annual standardized test scores came in, that the entire first grade class, along with more than a third of the 64 member student body, had scored below their grade level for both reading and math. The school’s officials argued that students had scored even worse before the help of the computer program but in fact this was just one case where the computer program had failed. Not only is there the argument of whether or not computers are necessary in the classroom, but which type of computers the children should use, the Mac or the PC. Many parents argue that school should prepare children for the workplace, where Macs are a rarity. Parents also say that it’s more convenient if their children can come home from school and pop a disk in to their home PC. There is a significant difference between how technology is used in schools and how it is used in business. In the workplace, he argues, a computer is primarily used for word processing, e-mail, and access to databases, whereas in the classroom it can be a powerful tool for collaborative learning. Also, by the time today’s fifth grader enters the work force, windows may have given way to Java or maybe even an entirely different language that no one has yet begun to speak. Still, when PC salesmen whisper that children wi... Free Essays on Hidden Curriculum Free Essays on Hidden Curriculum Over the years past billions of dollars have been spent on computers for our nation’s schools. The goal was to improve and update our educational system but there is very little evidence of change through the years and taxpayers that have been paying for these upgrades in the schools want to know where the payoff is. A small Belridge school district in Mckittrick, California was proud to be the first and only in the state to provide every student with two Apple IIg computers, one for school and one for home. It reshaped its curriculum to use computers in all subject areas and they thought it was working well. The parents were shocked to hear when the annual standardized test scores came in, that the entire first grade class, along with more than a third of the 64 member student body, had scored below their grade level for both reading and math. The school’s officials argued that students had scored even worse before the help of the computer program but in fact this was just one case where the computer program had failed. Not only is there the argument of whether or not computers are necessary in the classroom, but which type of computers the children should use, the Mac or the PC. Many parents argue that school should prepare children for the workplace, where Macs are a rarity. Parents also say that it’s more convenient if their children can come home from school and pop a disk in to their home PC. There is a significant difference between how technology is used in schools and how it is used in business. In the workplace, he argues, a computer is primarily used for word processing, e-mail, and access to databases, whereas in the classroom it can be a powerful tool for collaborative learning. Also, by the time today’s fifth grader enters the work force, windows may have given way to Java or maybe even an entirely different language that no one has yet begun to speak. Still, when PC salesmen whisper that children wi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Genetically Modified Foods - Research Paper Example h, environmental and genetic effects especially among long-term consumers. I. Introduction This paper highlighted some of the major effects that have been identified from the use of genetically modified foods such as roundup soybean, BT cotton among other animal feeds II. ... On this premise, these groups have been at the forefront of resisting any move by the government and regulatory bodies to legalize the use of genetically modified foods III. Methodology To provide a critical evaluation of the topic, different case studies have been highlighted to demonstrate the studied effects of genetically modified foods The Pustzai case study demonstrated how use of genetically modified potatoes increases the development of cancer cells in the body Monsanto developed soybean has been associated with a number of allergic reactions due to the nature of the proteins that results into immunoglobulin E initiated reactions The case study on the presence of gene transfer between genetically modified organisms and gut microorganisms has also been associated with the development of antibiotic resistance IV. Results From the case studies presented and the literature reviews done on this topic, the use of genetically modified foods have wide range impacts on the health of t he consumers and on the environment However, a number of positive attributes have also been identified through scientific research that makes the technology worth trying and doing more studies on V. Conclusions Genetically modified foods hold a great potential in the elimination of the current food crisis in the country However, the use of this technology must be strictly regulated and all safety issues taken care of to eliminate all the health concerns raised by different research findings The technology also presents significant implications on the environment which must be effectively handled and all GMFs evaluated to provide the link between their effects on the environment Abstract The current surge in the world population has resulted into

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational Development in HRD (Case Study) Research Paper

Organizational Development in HRD (Case Study) - Research Paper Example Moreover, she also thinks that she was given an ultimatum by her boss when he coerced her to continue with the client as no one else was free to take up. Kindred faces major ethical dilemma. She was presented as an expert of CQI which she asserts misrepresent her competencies and which are not adequate to resolve the problems of the client. But with her first meeting, she had also earned the trust and confidence of the client and who had given positive feedback to her company’s President. She believes that the company needs someone with technical know-how which she lacks. They are dilemma because she is caught between the obligations to her company and ethics of OD which are founded on honesty and openness. She believes that she is not equipped with competencies despite her academic qualifications in the area and therefore rather than looking it as an opportunity, she thinks she is backed into making a decision that is ethically wrong. I would have continued with the current client and used it as a platform for widening my experience and exploiting my core competencies in OD to solve the problems of the firms. OD has wide scope and CQI is inherently linked to the organizational development processes (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Streamlining various interactive process are key elements of CQI which can be achieved through evolving practices of evaluation. OD underpins the principles of optimal performance through evolving organizational culture that relies on constant learning environment, strong teamwork, leadership initiatives etc. (Langley et al., 2009). The major thrust of the problem resolution is to find the root cause which is achieved through critical assessment of program and processes that are measured against the defined goals. CQI fundamentally relies on the organizational processes and mechanisms to face challenges of time with creative input, turning adversities into new opportunities of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mis Used in Libraries Essay Example for Free

Mis Used in Libraries Essay Information systems are the software and hardware systems that support data-intensive applications. An information system is a collection of methods, practices, algorithms and methodologies that transforms data into information and knowledge desired by and useful for the individual and the group users in organizations and other entities. This system can involve a combination of work practices, information, people and technologies organized to accomplish goals in an organization. All businesses today utilize some form of a technological information system in their company. Using an automated system to record and process business transactions is essential to running a profitable company and responding to market fluctuations. However, information systems are best for just collecting and reporting company information; management must still review and use the information for achieving company goals. As information systems have enabled more diverse human activities, they have exerted a profound influence over society. These systems have quickened the pace of daily activities, affected the structure and mix of organizations, changed the type of products bought, and influenced the nature of work. Information and knowledge have become vital economic resources. Yet, along with opportunities, the dependence on information systems has brought new threats. Intensive industry innovation and academic research continually develop new opportunities while aiming to contain the threats. A management information system (MIS) is set of internal controls that aid company management in running a business on a daily basis. The MIS is not just a computer information system that gathers information, but an overall decision-making tool used by management. The information reported by the MIS will help management find areas that need improvement in their company. How this information is used to correct business operations relies on the style of management used in a business. Using a de-centralized management style allows for corrections to be made by the front-line manager; this allows for a great deal of autonomy in management positions. Centralized management styles rely on top-level managers to correct business operations. NEED FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN LIBRARIES. Information systems are electronic databases that manage large amounts of information, often for a business or large organization. You might not initially associate information systems with libraries, as libraries at first glance seem like buildings filled with paper books. However, many libraries use information systems to help them complete various tasks. There are a few key advantages for libraries that use information systems. Keeping Stock †¢One of the challenges for any library, especially large ones, is keeping track of all the books, CDs, DVDs, maps and other materials. Information systems can be used to put an indentifying code on each material that allows a librarian to look up where a material is, who took it out, and when. If a book is missing, the information system can help the librarians find it. Building a Collection †¢Whenever a librarian is choosing which materials to buy to add to the librarys collection, he must research what, if any, similar materials already exist. Information systems allow librarians to access easily information about what materials the library already owns on a particular subject or time period. This expedites the purchasing process. Customer Service oA library can use information systems to make it easier for customers to offer comments on how the library can change or improve. Customers can send an email or fill out an online form and an information system can collect all the comments and send them to the right person. This not only helps keep track of customer opinions, it also allows the librarian to receive a daily or weekly comments email rather than deal with multiple messages per day. Money Management oWhile books at libraries are usually free, libraries run on money. Information systems, including simple systems like spreadsheets, help libraries manage their budgets and plan their finances for the future. Large libraries with endowments rely even more on information systems to keep track of their investments and expected dividends. Traditionally, libraries have been aligned with the collecting, organizing, archiving, disseminating, and sometimes evaluation of data and information. Libraries are not about books. They are about information and knowledge. In the past libraries has been associated with books only because books were the primary manifestations of information. In todays world, information manifests itself in many more mediums. Most notable is the electronic medium. Integrated library system, or ILS, is another enterprise resource planning system for a library. One word, ‘INTERNET’ has completely changed the way Libraries operate. Today’s libraries are having a paradigm shift towards web-based e-resources. The conventional bibliographic resources are now fast supplemented by the e-resources. It is huge task for librarians to maintain a supply chain that moves shoulder to shoulder with a global information generation rate that doubles at every 20 months. Management Information Systems (MIS) have emerged as a solution to this capacity expansion requirement of Academic Libraries. According to McClure (1990), Management information systems are tools designed to improve management decisions. †¢Integrated Library System Modules module = a portion of a program that carries out a specific function Acquisitions: select, order, budget, receive, pay for materials; claim or cancel orders that were not received. Cataloging: create records which describe and classify materials Serials: describe and check-in serials (periodicals, magazines, journals) †¢5. Integrated Library System Modules (pg. 2) 4. Circulation: record the check-in and check-out of materials to patrons 5. Interlibrary Loans: lend and borrow materials from other libraries 6. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog): display materials to patrons The Main Functions of a Library Knowledge is for all, but to be indeed for all, it should be accessible for all those who seek it regardless of their mother tongue. Consequently, libraries as the organizers and heralds of this knowledge, adding value to it by cataloguing and classifying, should, in turn, be Universal; i. e. provide equality of access for all. Today, Information Technology has converted the world into a global village and libraries, as part of this age, should make use of these technological advancements in achieving the Universality goal and quenching the generations thirst for knowledge. This means that traditional libraries should change into well-equipped interconnected digital libraries Libraries should be so organized and the staff so trained that they become relevant to user communities (including special groups) in every respect. Primary Functions of Integrated Library Systems 1)Ordering and receiving materials. 2)Recording financial information 3)Storing information about the library’s collection of materials 4)Recording the borrowing of materials . The objective of an MIS based Library is to be an effective library through: (1) Providing convenience and justice to its readers. (2) Attract non-readers to become readers. FEASIBILITY STUDY Key Features 1Tracks number of books and subscribers in a library 2Add manage books categories 3Manage and edit books 4Search books by name 5Add book details with category, price and purchase date 6Maintains book issue date, return date and overdue days. 7Maintains employee details who borrows the books Benefits 1User friendly interface 2Subscribers can easily check availability of books, CD’s, DVD’s in a library 3Reporting of overdue books 4Cost effective 5Efficiency in speed and operation 6Elimination of duplication of Books, CD’s and DVD’s 7Security of Library 8Better inventory preservation because of less handling by staff 9Time saving 10Easily locate books, CD’s and DVD’s on racks SOFTWARES USED IN LIBRARIES VOYAGER: Voyager is broken down into different modules that are focused on helping with certain tasks commonly done in a library. The modules are the main way that library workers interact with the system. They are implemented as custom Microsoft Windows programs that talk to a centralized server and database. The modules are as follows: 1. Circulation The primary use of this module is charge and discharge items to library patrons. It allows for the creation and maintenance of patron records, fine processing and request processing of library items. 2. Media Scheduling (optional) lets people reserve videos and media equipment ahead of time as well as equipment maintenance. The types of items allowed to be reserved are only limited by what library staff have added to it. 3. Web Voyage This is the web based interface for use by patrons to search, renew items, and request items from the libraries collection. 4. Access Reports Not officially a module, Voyager does allows for an ODBC connection to its main database. This allows library staff to create custom Statistic and usage reports. 5. Reporter One of the purposes of this module is to generate email and print notifications to patrons informing them of, recalls, overdue items, courtesy notices and fines. Reporter also generates exception reports, which are violations of system policy, Transaction reports, and some statistics, which are used by library staff. 6. Cataloging This is the main module used by Library Technical Services department. It is used to create and edit records for all the items in a libraries collection. 7. Acquisitions Lets staff track orders and assign money to funds and ledgers. 8. Call Slip (optional) Allows patrons to request items to be transferred between different units in a library system. 9. Self Check provides and interface for Self Check stations. 10. Voyager Inter-library Loan (ILL)- (Optional) Allows library patrons to request items from other institutions. 11. System Admin Used to add system users, set up circulation locations, and policies as well as setting up location calendars. Alexandria: Alexandria efficiently manages modern libraries, freeing up administrators, technology coordinators, and librarians for more important tasks. Library Automation Software Benefits to IT Managers You are tasked to do more with less, and you need library automation software that can answer the call. Alexandria will enable you to: †¢Relieve the support load of your staff. In addition to ease-of-use and stability, Alexandrias unmatched technical support team is available any time you need them via phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, providing end-user support directly to your users, and IT support to you when necessary. †¢Minimize the resource drain of multiple servers at multiple sites. Alexandria gives you the ability to update/upgrade and backup your entire district from one primary location. †¢Eliminate upgrade and backup hassles. Alexandrias update, upgrades, and critical data backups are all done automatically within the software. Library Automation Software Benefits to Administrators Alexandria library automation software allows you to efficiently manage your varied library education and management responsibilities with the following unique capabilities: †¢Improve reading scores. Alexandrias built in Lexile capabilities actually improve reading scores †¢Universal access from home. With Alexandria, there is secure access to your library—24 hours a day. †¢Relieve the resource drain of extra support staff just to manage your library automation software. Alexandrias automatic updates, 24/7/365 technical support, and renowned ease-of-use allow you to re-deploy valuable resources to more important areas. †¢Alexandria is the only library system that provides a live 24/7 help line for any librarian or tech person in your facility who needs assistance. e-Granthalaya e-Granthalaya is a library automation software from National, Department of Electronics Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. The software has been designed by a team of experts from software as well as Library and Information Science discipline. Using this software the libraries can automate in-house activities as well as user services. The software can be implemented either in stand-alone or in client-server mode where database and WebOPAC are installed on the server PC while the data entry program is installed on client PCs. The software provides LAN/Web based data entry solutions for a cluster of libraries where a centralized/Common database can be created with Union Catalog output. The software provides Web OPAC interface to publish the library catalog over Internet/Intranet. The software runs on Windows paltform Only, UNICODE Compliant, thus, supports data entry in local language.. Distribution Policy The software is provided at zero cost libraries. The support, training, Data Entry, Maintenance, Migration, etc are provided on Payment basis by the NIC/NICSI Empanelment Agency. System Requirements Hardware: the computer itself, (CPU), and all of its support equipments. Among the support equipments are input and output devices, storage devices and communications devices Connectivity: LAN/Internet Connectivity. BarCode Printer (Any Model/Make) with Barcode Reader Software Components 1. Database (MS SQL Server 2005/2008) on Server PC (Windows 2003/2008) 2. Web OPAC on Server PC 3. Data entry program on client PCs For the details and information with regards to our project , the following libraries have been visited THE AMERICAN LIBRARY The American Library, Mumbai is one of the divisions of the American Center, which carries out a variety of activities aimed at promoting a better understanding of the policies, values, institutions, and culture of the United States. The American Library, Mumbai provides you with a wide range of current, accurate and authoritative information from a vast selection of print and electronic resources using state-of-the-art technology. The American Library collection focuses primarily on U. S. foreign policy, business and economics, management, law and legislation, human rights, environment, and life and culture in the U. S. It maintains a collection of approximately 13,000 volumes of books, government publications, and think tank reports. It has 89 U. S. magazines and 3 newspapers titles in hardcopy. They provide timely, reliable and comparative information on a variety of topics ranging from American politics, culture, history, economy as well as international relations and global issues. With books, journals, English language learning materials along with DVDs, newspapers, U. S. government publications, there is something for everyone. Even the young reader will find more than 1,000 titles of fiction and non-fiction at the American Library. This library uses Voyager as its software . It is a centralized network . oVoyager automates many of the processes necessary for libraries to function smoothly, such as circulation. o Voyager is capable of managing a variety of formats, such as print and online resources. oIt addresses recent concerns for patron information privacy and privacy related to circulation history oGives more options on user/patron service (e. g. alerts for pending transactions for a patron) oImproved search tools for staff and patrons, including enhancements for subject headings searching (controlled vocab), where patron doesn’t have to know starting words or word order of headings to look them up oAcquisitions: select, order, budget, receive, pay for materials; claim or cancel orders that were not received. oCataloguing: create records which describe and classify materials oSerials: describe and check-in serials (periodicals, magazines, journals) MMRDA LIBRARY Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority commonly abbreviated as MMRDA, is a body of the Government of Maharashtra that is responsible for the infrastructure development of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. MMRDA was set up on the 26th January, 1975 under the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act, 1974 Government of Maharashtra as an apex body for planning and co-ordination of development activities in the Region. The MMRDA comprises 17 members and is chaired by the Minister for Urban Development in Maharashtra Prithviraj Chavan (who is also the current Chief Minister of Maharashtra). It is also the richest state owned organisations in india. on the similar lines to this, recently government of maharashtra has announced to establish pmrda and nmrda for pune and nasik respectively. Mmrda uses e granthalaya. 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Friday, November 15, 2019

Is Cloning Really Worth It? :: essays research papers

Cloning: Is it Really Worth It?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is much controversy over the issue of cloning. Is it really worth it? Scientists say yes, but I think not. There are a lot of questions to be answered before we continue the process of cloning such as the animals’ safety, humans feelings, and the costs, both financially and emotionally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, we must think of the poor, defenseless animals scientists are experimenting with. It is one thing to kill them for survival, but it is totally wrong for them to die just to â€Å"experiment†. That is just as wrong as murdering an animal to make a few coats. Out of the many animals that the scientists have tried to clone, very few have survived and the ones that have are dependent on the scientists for everything down to oxygen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Let’s think about humans for a second. Say your son, daughter, relative, or friend has passed away. Would you want his or her body cloned? A lot of people might say yes but I give that a huge no. Even though the body of the loved one you lost is there, there is no way to really have them back. A clone is just another person that looks like them. A person’s character is built by experiences he went through and people he has met. I think many people would be disappointed at the fact that it’s just not the same person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another thing to think about is money. The taxpayers are paying out millions of dollars on this idea that has no guarantee. What about the taxpayers who oppose cloning? I know I do not want my hard earned money invested against my will into something that I feel is wrong and unjust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think that people should be informed on all of the negatives as well as the Is Cloning Really Worth It? :: essays research papers Cloning: Is it Really Worth It?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is much controversy over the issue of cloning. Is it really worth it? Scientists say yes, but I think not. There are a lot of questions to be answered before we continue the process of cloning such as the animals’ safety, humans feelings, and the costs, both financially and emotionally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, we must think of the poor, defenseless animals scientists are experimenting with. It is one thing to kill them for survival, but it is totally wrong for them to die just to â€Å"experiment†. That is just as wrong as murdering an animal to make a few coats. Out of the many animals that the scientists have tried to clone, very few have survived and the ones that have are dependent on the scientists for everything down to oxygen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Let’s think about humans for a second. Say your son, daughter, relative, or friend has passed away. Would you want his or her body cloned? A lot of people might say yes but I give that a huge no. Even though the body of the loved one you lost is there, there is no way to really have them back. A clone is just another person that looks like them. A person’s character is built by experiences he went through and people he has met. I think many people would be disappointed at the fact that it’s just not the same person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another thing to think about is money. The taxpayers are paying out millions of dollars on this idea that has no guarantee. What about the taxpayers who oppose cloning? I know I do not want my hard earned money invested against my will into something that I feel is wrong and unjust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think that people should be informed on all of the negatives as well as the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Many believe that higher Education leads to an increase in tolerance towards individual who are different. There are some empirical findings to support this premise; however the impact of higher education on acceptance of homosexuality has not been adequately explored. Gays and Lesbian in society face many negative attitudes. Homosexual expression in native Africa was also present and took a variety of forms. Anthropologists Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe reported that women in Lesotho engaged in socially sanctioned â€Å"long term, erotic relationships† called motsoalle.The first record of possible homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, an Egyptian male couple, who lived around 2400 BCE. The pair are portrayed in a nose-kissing position, the most intimate pose in Egyptian art, surrounded by what appear to be their heirs. In Homosexual and transgender individuals were also common among other pre-conquest civilizations in Latin America, such as the Aztecs, Mayans, Quechuas, Moches, Zapotecs, and the Tupinamba of Brazil In East Asia, same-sex love has been referred to since the earliest recorded history.Homosexuality in China, known as the passions of the cut peach and various other euphemisms has been recorded since approximately 600 BCE. Homosexuality was mentioned in many famous works of Chinese literature. Homosexuality in Japan, variously known as shudo or nanshoku has been documented for over one thousand years and was an integral part of Buddhist monastic life and the samurai tradition. This same-sex love culture gave rise to strong traditions of painting and literature documenting and celebrating such relationships.Similarly, in Thailand, Kathoey, or â€Å"ladyboys†, have been a feature of Thai society for many centuries, and Thai kings had male as well as female lovers. While Kathoey may encompass simple effeminacy or transvestism, it most commonly is treated in Thai culture as a third gender. They are generally accepted by society, and Thailand has never had legal prohibitions against homosexuality or homosexual behavior. South Asia, The Laws of Manu, the foundational work of Hindu law, mentions a â€Å"third sex†, members of which may engage in nontraditional gender expression and homosexual activities.Europe, In regard of male homosexuality such documents depict a world in which relationships with women and relationships with youths were the essential foundation of a normal man's love life. Same-sex relationships were a social institution variously constructed over time and from one city to another. Middle East, among some Middle Eastern Muslim cultures, egalitarian or age-structured homosexual practices were widespread and thinly veiled.The prevailing pattern of same-sex relationships in the temperate and sub-tropical zone stretching from Northern India to the Western Sahara is one in which the relationships were—and are—either gender-structured or age -structured or both. In recent years, egalitarian relationships modeled on the western pattern have become more frequent, though they remain rare. Same-sex intercourse officially carries the death penalty in several Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, northern Nigeria, Sudan, and Yemen. Today, governments in the Middle East often ignore, deny the existence of, or criminalize homosexuality.Homosexuality is illegal in almost all Muslim countries. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during his 2007 speech at Columbia University, asserted that there were no gay people in Iran. However, the probable reason is that they keep their sexuality a secret for fear of government sanction or rejection by their families. Israel is considered the most tolerant country in the Middle East and Asia to homosexuals, while the Israeli city Tel Aviv has been named â€Å"the gay capital of the Middle East,† and is considered one of the most gay friendly cities in the world.The annual Pride Parade in support of homosexuality takes place in Tel Aviv. In many societies of Melanesia, especially in Papua New Guinea, same-sex relationships were an integral part of the culture until the middle of the last century. Tel Aviv, â€Å"The gay capital of the Middle East†, Tel Aviv is one of the most popular destinations for LGBT tourists internationally, with a large LGBT community. American journalist David Kaufman has described the city as a place â€Å"packed with the kind of ‘we're here, we're queer’ vibe more typically found in Sydney and San Francisco.The city hosts its well-known pride parade, the biggest in Asia, attracting over 100,000 people yearly. In January 2008, Tel Aviv's municipality established the city's LGBT Community Center, providing all of the municipal and cultural services to the LGBT community under one roof. In December 2008, Tel Aviv began putting together a team of gay athletes for the 2009 World Out games in Copenhagen. In ad dition, Tel Aviv hosts an annual LGBT Film Festival. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender ( LGBT ) people in the Philippines have a dinstinctive culture but limited egal rights. Gays and lesbians are generally tolerated, if not accepted within Filipino society, but there is still widespread discrimination. The most visible member of the Filipino LGBT culture, the BAKLA, are a distinct group in the Philippines. According to the 2002 YOUNG ADULT FERTILITY and SEXUALITY SURVEY, 11% of sexuality active Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone of the same sex. In the Philippines, the term gay is used in reference to any LGBT person.For Filipino gays, the tagalog phrase, pagladlad ng kapa ( â€Å" unfurling the cape† ) or more commonly just paglaladlad ( â€Å"unfurling or unveiling† ) refers to the coming-out process, tibo, t-bird and tomboy are degoratory terms for butch lesbians just as bakla is for effeminategay men. Some lesbians, both butch and femme, use the terms magic or shunggril to refer to themselves. Neutral s;ang terms for gay men include billy boy, badette, bading and paminta ( straight – action gay man). Although legislation supporting same-sex marriage in the Philippines has been proposed several times to the Philippine legislature, none has ever been passed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Expressive Art Essay

â€Å"The Last Supper† found on page 101 is Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece created using tempera on pitch, gesso and mastic as medium. The subject matter of the painting, as the title suggests, is the last meal of Jesus Christ together with his twelve apostles. â€Å"The Last Supper†, strikes its audience with an instant depiction of the momentous scene where (through John) Jesus states, â€Å"Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me†. The last supper or the meal is characterized by the presence of leavened bread, fish, herb and wine. In addition to this, there are twelve glasses and several plates present; all made from metal that untypically portray the supper of conservative Jews. All the items found in the table or supper are nonobjective arts; they do not represent any other objects. â€Å"The Last Supper† presents a pyramidal composition, where an impression of stability is presented to the audience. Twelve models representing the twelve apostles are divided into groups of three, each having distinct expressive characteristics. Bartholomew, James (the younger) and Andrew, found on the left side of the table, shows expressions of fear or horrification. Andrew provides the most expressive reaction as he holds his hands up, as if expressing a gesture of â€Å"let’s calm down†. Judas, Peter and John form the next group, where Judas’ face is in shadow while cunningly holding a small bag which represents money or his betrayal. Furthermore, both Judas and Jesus reached for bread at the same time. On the other hand, Peter clutches a knife which is pointed away from the back of Judas while his other hand is placed on John’s shoulder. It seems like Peter is asking John, who in return leans towards him, â€Å"Who does he say it is? † In â€Å"The Last Supper†, John is represented by an effeminate model or character due to his modest nature. Christ on the other hand, who is the only calm individual in the scene, is located on the center, serving as the center of balance between the groups of apostles who are in turmoil. Three windows are behind him, where the biggest is placed directly behind him, which may represent a halo. Four doors with varied sizes are placed on each side which gives an impression of space or point of view. Thomas, James (brother of Jesus) and Philip are seen next to Jesus. Thomas who is pointing upward seems to doubt the announcement of Jesus. His other hand is placed on the table between the two apostles as if looking for solid evidence. James and Philip are stunned. James is observed to be looking at the left of hand of Jesus while Philip looked like asking, â€Å"Is it me? † Matthew, Thaddeus and Simon, the last group, all looked surprised or startled. Matthew and Thaddeus seem to be asking Simon about the announcement, who in return answers with his hands showing a gesture of â€Å"I don’t know†. Contrary to Leonardo da Vinci’s â€Å"The Last Supper† is Rembrandt’s â€Å"Three Crosses† created using drypoint and burin technique which can be found in page 78. Due to the technique used by Rembrandt (with an emphasis on using lines), the print is black and white. By engaging on the colors used, a feeling or atmosphere of stark and harsh can be felt. This is an effective method especially since the subject matter is the dramatic death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Golgotha. Moreover, it is the narrative representation of â€Å"darkness covered the earth†, an account of the Crucifixion made by St. Luke. The colors or technique emphasizes on the representation of violence, sadness and hope during the said event. Black represents the dark, evil, lack of wisdom or ignorance. Black served as the background, as if representing how darkness covered the earth. On the other hand, white represents light, the sacrifice of Jesus to save mankind or removal of darkness through Christ. The lines provide emphasis to the light which shined on Jesus Christ and the two murders. Moreover, the light seems to be descending from the heavens or from one light source because of the lines. On the contrary, â€Å"The Last Supper† and â€Å"Three Crosses† are similar, in the sense that both shows confusion among the crowd or apostles and Jesus Christ is the center or cause. Reference â€Å"Art as an Expression†. (2008) Retrieved June 1, 2008.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Life of Squanto, Native American Who Guided the Pilgrims

Life of Squanto, Native American Who Guided the Pilgrims Tisquantum, better known by his nickname Squanto, was a member of the Patuxet band of the Wampanoag tribe. The exact date of his birth is unknown, but historians estimate that he was born around 1580. Squanto is best known for his work as a guide and interpreter for early settlers in Southern New England. His advice and assistance were integral to the survival of early Pilgrims, including the Mayflower Pilgrims. Fast Facts: Squanto Full Name: TisquantumNickname: Squanto  Known For: Serving as a liaison between Native American populations and Mayflower PilgrimsBorn: Circa 1580 in southern New England (now Massachusetts, United States)Died: 1622 in Mamamoycke (now Chatham, Massachusetts, United States)Key Accomplishments:  Helped early Pilgrims survive harsh, unfamiliar conditions. Early Years Very little is known about Squantos early years. Historians dont know exactly when or where he was born. They don’t know who his parents were or whether or not he had any siblings. However, they do know that he was a member of the Wampanoag tribe, and specifically the Patuxet band. The Patuxet lived primarily on coastal land in the area that is present day Plymouth, Massachusetts. They spoke an Algonquian dialect. It is believed that the band Squanto was born into contained more than 2,000 people at one point. However, written records of Patuxet are non-existent, since potential firsthand observers from England arrived after the members of the Patuxet were killed out by a plague. Years in Bondage A few historians have suggested that Squanto may have been kidnapped in 1605 by George Weymouth and taken to England before returning to North America in 1614, but modern historians do not believe there is evidence to support that theory. However, Squanto and several other members of the Patuxet were kidnapped in 1614 by Thomas Hunt, an English explorer and human trafficker. Hunt took Squanto and the others to Malaga, Spain and sold them into slavery. With the help of Spanish friars, Squanto escaped and traveled to England. He took a job with John Slaney, who sent him to Newfoundland in 1617. Squanto met explorer Thomas Dermer and eventually traveled with him back to North America. When Squanto returned to his homeland in 1619, he found his village empty. In 1617, a great plague had wiped out the Patuxet and other Native American tribes in the Massachusetts Bay region. He set out in search of survivors, but didn’t find any. He eventually returned to work with Dermer, who was engaging in skirmishes with native populations. Squantos Work With Settlers Squantos time in England equipped him with a unique set of skills. Unlike most other Native Americans, he was able to speak English, which allowed him to act as a liaison between the settlers and Native American tribes. He interpreted conversations and served as a guide for the settlers. Squanto is credited with teaching the Pilgrims how to grow plants and use natural resources. His guidance helped them survive their first year. Squanto was also instrumental when it came to skirmishes with some of the other Native Americans in the area. Some tribes did not appreciate the fact that he was helping the strange people from England. This caused problems for Squanto, who was once captured by a neighboring tribe. He was able to gain freedom from bondage once again and worked with the Pilgrims until his death. Death Squanto died in November of 1622. At the time, he was serving as a guide for William Bradford, the governor of the Plymouth settlement. Bradford wrote that Squanto grew sick with fever and died several days later. Some historians, including writer Nathaniel Philbrick, have suggested that Squanto may have been poisoned by Massasoit, but this is just speculation, as there is no proof that a murder was committed. It is believed that Squanto was buried in the village of Chatham Port, but this detail, like many of the details of Squantos life, may or may not be true. Legacy Squanto played an integral role in the survival of early settlers, but one could argue that he isnt always given the credit he deserves. Although there are many statues and memorials dedicated to the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, Squanto has not been memorialized in the same way: there  are no major statues or memorials to Squanto in the area. Despite the lack of memorials, Squantos name remains relatively well-known. This can, in part, be attributed to his representation in films and animated programs. Squanto was the focus of the Disney animated film â€Å"Squanto: A Warriors Tale,† released in 1994. The film was very loosely based on Squantos life, but did not provide a very accurate portrayal of historical events. Squanto also appeared in an episode of the animated series â€Å"This Is America, Charlie Brown,† which aired on television in 1988. The cartoon depicted the journey of the Pilgrims and detailed how Native Americans, like Squanto, helped the Pilgrims survive the hardships of the New World. Like the Disney film, the Charlie Brown cartoon was created for children and glossed over the darker details of English settlement. The most accurate historical portrayal of Squanto in popular culture is in the National Geographics â€Å"Saints Strangers.† This two-part mini-series appeared on television during 2015 and depicted the Mayflower journey and the Pilgrims first year in North America. It should also be noted that Squantos legacy includes appearances in history textbooks. Unfortunately, most of the depictions of Squantos life are derived from the historical writings of English Separatists, which incorrectly portray Squanto as  a noble savage. History is now beginning to correct the record of Squantos legacy. Sources Baumann, Nick. â€Å"Heres The Crazy Story About Thanksgiving Youve Never Heard.†Ã‚  The Huffington Post, 25 Nov. 2015,, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. â€Å"Squanto.†Ã‚  Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 29 Oct. 2017,â€Å"Squanto.†Ã‚, AE Networks Television, 22 Nov. 2017,â€Å"Squanto.†Ã‚  Gale Library of Daily Life: Slavery in America,, 2018,

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Womens Rights in Afghanistan essays

Womens Rights in Afghanistan essays On September 27, 1996, the Taliban seized control of the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, and violently plunged the occupied territories of Afghanistan into a brutal state of gender apartheid in which women and girls have been stripped of their basic human rights(The Taliban 1). In 1997, Taliban Deputy Foreign Minister Sher Abbas Stanakzai acknowledged that repression of women was a political tool to consolidate power. "Our current restrictions of women are necessary in order to bring the Afghan people under control," he said. "We need these restrictions until people learn to obey the Taliban."(Afghanistans Women Today 1-2). The government of Afghanistan is waging a war upon women. The situation is getting so bad that one person in an editorial of the times compared the treatment of women there to the treatment of Jews in pre-Holocaust Poland (Barbara Mikkelson). The growing war in Afghanistan has further jeopardized the already precarious lives of Afghan women. For most of the past 25 years, Afghan women have suffered outrage upon outrage as political instability, armed conflict and violence washed over their rugged country. Millions of Afghan women, children and elderly have fled their homes. The current air strikes have worsened conditions, destroying roads and services already devastated by famine, earthquakes and three years of drought.(Afghanistans Women Today). Afghan women, who had been the majority of the country's workforce and of its population, were barred from employment outside the home and prohibited from attending secondary school, driving vehicles or appearing in public without male escorts and the all-covering burqa. Women were placed under house arrest, deprived of health care and education, and made totally dependent upon male relatives, suffering beatings, sexual assault or even execution if they violated the bans(Afghanistans Women Today). ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Distorting the Truth Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Distorting the Truth - Case Study Example According to the research findings, every country has its own set of laws for criminals but the international court of justice which has set some laws which are applicable to the entire world. Some of these cases are reported while others are never heard of. One specific type of crime happens to people belonging to different ethnicities and races. People belonging to a particular race will have distinct features and biological traits which the other group would not have. People tend to treat people of some races differently, for example, the way a person might treat an Asian might not be the same as the way they treat an American. The color of their skins is one through which people discriminate among people belonging to different races etc. Some physical differences are said to be inherited but discrimination is basically based on your social background or even your upbringing. People who discriminate on the basis of color, background or ethnicity are called racists and this can be seen as a crime. These people think that certain people belonging to a particular race are superior and the `lower race` does not deserve to even be at the same place as them. Some groups who have been the victims of these types of crime include Asians, Blacks, Hispanics and white people. Heather Mac Donald`s article â€Å"Distorting The Truth About Crime And Race† appeared in the City Journal and is based on an article which made the front page of the New York Times. Mac Donald believes that the NY times follow a specific procedure of portraying any story related to the New York Police Department (NYPD) on the basis of racial context: to relate the behavior of this police department to `racial crime rates`, rather than revealing the actual crime rates and then relating it.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Management - Essay Example TQM is a whole process which cannot be made in vacuum. It requires precise techniques and methods such as bench marking and knowledge management along with the control system. This research paper aims at studying and identifying internal control system within Toyota as well as interpreting the criteria for developing and evaluating the control system and its impact on the total quality management. Thesis statement: Internal control and total quality management should not be limited to minimizing cost, improving quality and increasing return on investment but should also emphasize on improving human capital. An Infrastructure for Quality Assurance Total quality function and internal control work side by side for organizational success. Quality assurance provides the basic infrastructure for measuring and reporting quality. Quality assurance program begins with the policy statement by the board which recognizes the need of total quality while minimizing cost. It includes designing of r igorous quality control procedures and development of quality control standards. Internal control serves as the vector of information on quality. Successful companies not only realize the importance of existence of quality assurance methods but also try to do better than the industry average. The impact of good management is usually gauged in the three dimensional framework which consist of high quality, low cost and steadily improved return on investment. In the wake of globalization and accelerating pace of change many organizations now also include quality human capital as the fourth dimension, quality in selecting, hiring, training and evaluating promotion of human capital. Overall quality cannot be achieved without motivating and developing human capital. Motivated employees are not only willing to undertake challenging tasks but it also improves their perception of self worth. Hence the new concept of quality is not just limited to product quality but total quality in every de partment and process of the company. Every employee should work for the total quality management. It is a virtuous cycle which begins with product quality, cost minimization, fast time to market, business reputation, high performance work environment and eventually leads to improved job performance and personal satisfaction of the employees. Internal control measures job performance and report it to the senior management (Chorafas, 2001). Internal Control System Internal control is the vector of information that provides information to the senior management for decision making. Internal control plays a fundamental role in any business and should be used in integration with strategic control and management control for its maximum benefit. Internal control is based upon gathering information so it has various inputs from different departments and processes of the organizations. It receives information from customers, workers, suppliers and information about other events and condition. This transaction of information is bilateral or two way. Internal control then passes on this information to the higher management who makes plans, authorizations and takes decisions accordingly. Internal controls also provide feedback or follow up of those plans, procedures and decisions. Managements’ ability to fulfill their responsibility and adequate decision

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pros and Cons of Capital Budgeting Measures Research Paper

Pros and Cons of Capital Budgeting Measures - Research Paper Example Examples here include the payback period and the accounting rate of return. The other techniques employed in the evaluation of projects are the discounted methods of appraising capital projects. In these methods, the future expected cash flows are discounted at the organizations cost of capital to determine the projects’ to be undertaken. In this approach, only projects with positive net present value will be undertaken in order of their profitability. The idea of capital budgeting before investments are undertaken is necessitated by the need to avoid incurring losses and to maximize the returns of a firm at the lowest cost possible. The budgeting process is also necessary because of the capital constraints that companies face. Due to capital inadequacy, companies and firms will not be in a position to undertake all the projects and therefore creating the need to only undertakes the most profitable investments (Baker, 2011). Failure to undertake capital budgeting process may c ause organizations to realize heavy losses and have going concern problems. In this paper, discussion has made on the pros and cons of the methods of NPV, IRR, MIRR and discounted payback method. I would prefer the use of NPV and IRR methods of capital budgeting in instances that we have independent projects with equal sizes. The two methods can thus be used interchangeably and would be preferred because they incorporate the risk and time values in their calculations. MIRR, which is an improvement of IRR, is also preferable in cases where we have projects having irregular cash flows and therefore provides a solution to some of the short falls of IRR. Investment appraisal should therefore be keenly undertaken by qualifies personnel and all necessary weights should be integrated when determining the best method to use. It must be noted that all the methods used in capital budgeting measures have some limitations (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2010). The best that should be done is to ensure tha t such deficiency does not impair materially the decision to be made. Net Present Value The NPV of a project is the present value of all the future expected cash inflows less the present value of the future expected cash outflows (Parrino & Kidwell, 2009). In this case, the future expected cash flows are determined currently and discounted using the cost of capital of the firm. NPV takes into account only cash flows and does not use the accounting profits or items like depreciation. It is commonly used by many organizations in their investment appraisal method. Most businesses and organizations that are interested in the viability and profitability of projects have normally applied the NPV method as a way of evaluating their actions. The wide acceptance of NPV is because it is easier to understand and to interpret the results even to those without financial knowledge. NPV has various advantages. To begin with, the method considers the time value of money and therefore shoulders the effect of inflation and interest rates that are likely to adverse affect the value of money. It must be noticed that the value of 1 dollar today may not be the same as the value of the same dollar in 3 years time because of time difference. The second reason for use of this method is that it gives the criteria to use in the selection of the projects to be undertaken. The firms may undertake investments with positive NPV’s because they have a net gain as opposed to those with negative NPV’s which results into losses. The investors or firms are

Monday, October 28, 2019

College Student Pressures Essay Example for Free

College Student Pressures Essay Students committing to the college of their choice are unaware of the peer pressures that arise when one attends school. Many may feel as though peer pressures tend to happen more often when one lives on campus, but it can occur off campus too. For example, peer pressures can lead to partying, drinking and drugs. The want to attend class is a daily pressure because there aren’t any consequences when no attending. Another main college pressure is financial stress. The percentage of partying that goes on throughout college is very high and is a common interest that happens every week. From facing the pressures of to staying and studying for a huge test, friends bothering each other constantly to go out and drink with them and pressure to take drugs to â€Å"have a good time. † These examples happen very often, and it is hard to say no to them, one factor is that friends may say â€Å"you’re no fun†, and making friends feel bad about not going out, and then the students start to not care about studying thinking you don’t need to do it anymore. In high school, going to school every day was a daily routine. Children always did because their parents made them, and if they didn’t, there were consequences. In moving up to going to college, there are no consequences in skipping class. If students skipped then they would miss the lesson of the day, and there is no â€Å"making up the work,† teachers are there to teach and not to babysit, so they could care less if students show up to class or not. This is a main pressure, students think, I don’t need to attend class today, and if they don’t go, there is no punishment or consequence. The common question of how am I going to pay for this, is commonly asked daily in a college students head. Financially pressures are high and rising throughout universities. The stressing and struggle to find enough money to pay for tuition and the costs of books and housing while living at school add up. Even though some student can qualify for financial aid cover the costs only temporary and have to deal with the costs later after graduating. This pressure leads some college students to either drop out or to focus more on working and less on their school work.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

From Pullout to Inclusion in a Service-Learning Project :: Teaching Education Research

From Pullout to Inclusion in a Service-Learning Project Introduction Service-learning is no mystery to those who have been working with English Language Learners in the United States, who are often marginalized immigrants and refugees, and who for linguistic and cultural reasons are misunderstood. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) professionals are frequently their mouthpiece, if not their advocates. As advocates of these â€Å"other† cultures and languages (who generally support bilingual education), we are seen as a kind of pariah perpetuating the immigration and â€Å"illegal alien problem.† Not surprisingly, given the increase of immigrants and refugees in the U.S. in such a short span of time, many teachers and administrators have relied on their best instincts rather than the best theories or methods to work with English language learners. For one thing, the populations keep changing. Within less than a decade, many programs have served students from diverse backgrounds with completely different needs ranging from low literacy Hmong to high literacy Russians. Teachers are often called on to be experts without having sufficient training in language teaching methodology or in second language and literacy development. Despite their exemplar methodologies in other ways (e.g., task and project based learning, critical thinking, cooperative learning), they do what they think is best, most often relying on their own past experiences learning a foreign language in the U.S. Moreover, TESOL professionals (not a monolith, we understand) are accustomed to enormous linguistic an d cultural variety along with a fair amount of ambiguity. Unknowns abound in our world. When service-learning merges with TESOL, what is called for is a new kind of expertise. In this paper, we set out to question the elusive nature of expertise in company with service learning. Expertise within any discipline is an ambitious goal and even under the best circumstances, liberal arts faculty rarely think of themselves as preparing experts. In the TESOL world we have long since known that our expertise is not locked in our own ability to â€Å"technify† our students (or our teachers), or to fill young (and old) minds with theory. Following Edward Zwotkowski (1999) we understand that expertise encompasses more that theoretical understanding and technical skill; it also includes the in-depth knowledge that comes from having lived with a problem or set of circumstances over an extended period of time. We have not had to look very hard to find those living with kinds of problems.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Price Adjustment

Question 3 Compute a sales dollar base index for Midwest Sales, Inc. , to analyze the following quality cost information, and prepare a memo to management. Answer {draw:frame} Question 4 Analyze the following cost data for product B. What are the implications of these data for management? Chart these data. Calculate the quality indices as a relationship to the cost sales. Product B Quality categories as a percentage of Quality Cost Answer {draw:frame} CoQ graph {draw:frame} From the data above, the management team will know how much they have spending in order to get a high quality product. From here, the company must rearrange their production planning in order to produce a high quality product without putting an extra budget. Analyze the cost data from ABC Corp. What are the implications of these data for management? How do these data differ from those in problem 4? Answer {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Based on the three pie charts above, it can be clearly seen that the total quality cost of non conformance (internal and external failure) can be reduced by increasing the conformance cost (appraisal and prevention) until it reached the optimum cost per good unit of product. It means that the company can only increase the conformance cost until certain limit in order to reduce the non conformance cost. When the conformance cost increase so much, it will result the increasing of non conformance cost as shown in Product C. Hence, the management needs to consider the cost by analyzing the profits based on the data that they got. Question 7 Prepare a graph or chart showing the different quality cost categories and percentage for the Great Plates Printing Company. Answer {draw:frame}

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Environmental Influences On Human Behavior Essay

Eating disorder is a condition wherein an individual’s eating behavior of eating or not eating is influenced by a psychological impulse, instead of a physiological need. Individuals with eating disorders generally choose to ignore the signals their bodies send out that nourishment is needed for maintenance or that enough food has already been consumed. One general feature commonly observed in an individual with an eating disorder is abnormal weight, which may be either above or below the normal weight. Normal weight has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having a body mass index (BMI) of 18. 5 to 24. 9 kg/m2 (Deurenberg and Yap, 1999; Weisell, 2002). BMI is the ratio of an individual’s weight in kilograms (kg) to his heights in meters squared (m2). An individual with a BMI of 25 to 29 kg/m2 is classified as overweight, those with BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 are categorized as moderately obese, and people with BMI of 40 kg/m2 and above are identified as morbidly obese. Obesity was earlier considered as an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Today, obesity is regarded as a disease that is strongly influenced by genetic, physiologic and behavioral factors (Jequier and Tappy, 1999). The global estimate of overweight people is currently 1. 2 billion, of which at least 300 million are classified as obese. Obesity has been identified as a preventable health risk, but unfortunately, the mortality rate of this disease is still high, contributing to approximately 300,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. Since the cases of overweight and obesity are continually increasing without any preference to economic status of a country, health governing bodies have put in a significant effort to promote awareness of this disease and intervention programs that would teach the public of the risks of being overweight and/or obese. A major factor that influences such excessive weight gain is the poor lifestyle choices individuals make, in terms of their eating, exercising and physical activities. Binge eating is another eating disorder that is characterized by consuming huge amounts of food in order to achieve the strong feeling of being full. This disorder is generally involved with eating bouts even when an individual is not hungry. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is recognized in two forms- the restricting type and the binge-eating/purging types (APA, 1994). The restricting type of anorexia nervosa involves the absolute inhibition of food consumption and does not accompany any purging or binge-eating actions. The binge-eating type of anorexia nervosa is commonly characterized by cycles of binge-eating and purging. The classic symptom of anorexia nervosa is subjecting one’s self to a starvation condition, with the main goal of preventing or avoiding gaining weight or sensing that any fat is deposited in the body. The psychological angle with anorexia nervosa is that the individual perceives himself as overweight yet actually, their weight is already below normal. The extreme condition of anorexia nervosa usually involves death due to severe malnutrition. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by cycles of binge eating, purging and the employment of laxatives to remove any food that has been consumed (APA, 1994). Bulimia nervosa may be differentiated from anorexia nervosa through the feature that the individuals afflicted with this eating disorder typically have normal or above-average weights. In addition, individuals with anorexia nervosa can strongly inhibit their food intake, while individuals with bulimia nervosa find difficulty in avoiding food consumption. Bulimic individuals commonly carry a psychological feeling of guilt and shame of eating so much food, hence they try to appease themselves of their eating faults through purging and chemical elimination of the food they ate through the use of laxatives. They consider such activities as remedies or cleansing rituals so that they can immediately purify themselves of the disgrace they made from eating huge amounts of food. To date, the exact cause of bulimia remains unknown, yet there are theories that this eating disorder is strongly associated to depression and anxiety, however, a precise correlation of this cause still has to be investigated. Another theory involves the motivation of the bulimic individual to escape from reality, by treating for as a comfort instead of a source of energy and nutrition for their bodies. Childhood experiences may also possibly play a role in the cause of bulimia, because young children are often given different types of food in order to pacify them or to reward them for particular activities. Society may also play a role in bulimia, because the media strongly endorses that being thin is good, beautiful and acceptable. It has been suggested that eating disorders may be physiologically influenced by serotonin and norepinephrine. It has also been suggested that anorexia is more frequently observed in females in the Western world (Suematsu, 1986). Several theories have been proposed to explain the mechanism behind hunger and eating in overweight and obese individuals. The internal-external theory of Schachter (1971) states that hunger is influenced by external signals such as time, as shown in their experiments involving manipulation of clock rates and counting the consumption of crackers by the subjects. The research showed that faster ticking clocks that would reach meal times earlier would influence the subjects to eat earlier, while slower ticking close would influence subjects to eat later during the day. This theory strengthened the hypothesis that obese people tend to â€Å"feel† hungry based on the time of the day, and not based of the real sensation of hunger. The sensation of hungry in normal individuals is generally induced by internal signals such as an increased appetite or need to eat. The boundary theory of hunger considers the cognitive influence of hunger and satiety, wherein an individual determines the amount of food he should take in, as their limit or boundary (Hermand and Polivy, 1984). During diet regimes, the amount of food an individual eats is a little less than the set amount or boundary and in turn, the body physiologically adapts to the available sources of energy. In overweight and obese individuals, the boundary of food intake is significantly higher than an individual of normal weight. A third theory explaining the relation between excessive weight gain and eating is the set point theory, which is essentially based on the control of the hypothalamus on the body’s predetermined weight. Such set point of weight will be biologically maintained through the natural way, regardless of efforts to loss weight through diets and other weight loss regimens. A decreased intake of calories will not perturb the hypothalamus in its self-regulation of body weight. These theories are comparatively similar in terms of their goal of attempting to describe the mechanisms of obesity. The theories all emphasized that obesity is not influenced by a single factor, such as plain and simple overeating. These theories actually describe external influences of factors that result in overeating. In the external-internal theory identifies the time of the day as the major factor that triggers hunger. For the boundary theory, the individual himself, most probably with the cerebellum as the major organ, determines the amount of food he will eat. As for the set point theory, the hypothalamus controls the individual’s body weight. It is interesting to note that what the society has perceived as overweight is not really caused by a simple excessive hunger that stems from the need of the stomach to carry more food, but actually a more complex network involving the digestive system, the central nervous system and the immediate environment. Treatment for eating disorder often involves physical and psychological approaches. Psychotherapy serves as the main treatment for eating disorders, which often involves sessions with a therapist to discuss issues such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and body image concerns. The therapist generally emphasizes the relationship of one’s thoughts and eating activities, as well as teaching the patient that food is a source of nourishment and not a source of comfort or escape. Antidepressants may be prescribed to an individual with an eating disorder, to regulate the emotions of the depressed individual. The physician will also need to regularly check the physical vital signs of the patient, in order to monitor whether the patient is gaining weight and to determine whether any other complications may be present in the individual. Dieticians will design a well-balanced diet for an individual with an eating disorder, as well as educate the person of the nutritional value of every type of food that is consumed. The theories of hunger and eating disorders are based on the concept of primary motivation, which is mainly an interplay between psychology and the biological need to provide energy to the proper functioning of the human body. It is more complicated than the straightforward feeding mechanisms in other organisms because eating in the other species is singly influenced by the need to provide food for the normal physiology of the body. In human beings that have a more complex brain system due to evolution, we have acquired the additional capability to feed our minds, and even our souls, so to speak figuratively. It is important to individuals to understand that the mind is a powerful organ that can influence the actions and activities of the rest of the body but it is also more important to know that such choices of eating the right amount of food, as well as the right type of food, is a conscious and voluntary choice, and the consequences should be seriously considered.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Slavery And The Kansas-Nebraska Act

The question of slavery within the new states becomes the foregrounds for what began to divide early America into numerous groups that not only held different views but also possessed hostility towards one another. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 stirred up much concern and immediately divided America into several proslavery and antislavery groups. America was so carefully divided that people remained extremely passionate and extremely desperate to fight for their particular beliefs. The compromise of 1850 searched for a way to mend the nation but instead it helped keep the nation separated. The massive outward migration from the North and South to the new territories of America brought about an enormous problem that required a solution. Would the new territories be slave states or free states? The Gadsden Purchase of almost 30,000 square miles added to the United States geographically and problematically. At first it was thought that half of the territory would be free and the other half would be slave. Kansas would be free and Nebraska would be slave. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed because outraged Northerners called Nebraska an â€Å"atrocious plot† to make a â€Å"dreary region despotism inhabited by masters and slaves† (Berkin p. 403). Berkin exemplifies the severity of the dissimilarities between the beliefs of the North and the South. The ideologies of the North and the South are not moral decisions empowered by humanity, they are material decisions fueled by economic interest. The North does not want the South to have the benefit of slave plantations because this is a remarkable advantage economically and the South does not want their extremely lucrative slave plantations to be compromised. If only this problem could have been foreseen then maybe conflict could have been spared. The Kansas Nebraska act passes a law that allows residents of Kansas And Nebraska to decide whether to allow slavery or not within the states. Th... Free Essays on Slavery And The Kansas-Nebraska Act Free Essays on Slavery And The Kansas-Nebraska Act The question of slavery within the new states becomes the foregrounds for what began to divide early America into numerous groups that not only held different views but also possessed hostility towards one another. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 stirred up much concern and immediately divided America into several proslavery and antislavery groups. America was so carefully divided that people remained extremely passionate and extremely desperate to fight for their particular beliefs. The compromise of 1850 searched for a way to mend the nation but instead it helped keep the nation separated. The massive outward migration from the North and South to the new territories of America brought about an enormous problem that required a solution. Would the new territories be slave states or free states? The Gadsden Purchase of almost 30,000 square miles added to the United States geographically and problematically. At first it was thought that half of the territory would be free and the other half would be slave. Kansas would be free and Nebraska would be slave. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed because outraged Northerners called Nebraska an â€Å"atrocious plot† to make a â€Å"dreary region despotism inhabited by masters and slaves† (Berkin p. 403). Berkin exemplifies the severity of the dissimilarities between the beliefs of the North and the South. The ideologies of the North and the South are not moral decisions empowered by humanity, they are material decisions fueled by economic interest. The North does not want the South to have the benefit of slave plantations because this is a remarkable advantage economically and the South does not want their extremely lucrative slave plantations to be compromised. If only this problem could have been foreseen then maybe conflict could have been spared. The Kansas Nebraska act passes a law that allows residents of Kansas And Nebraska to decide whether to allow slavery or not within the states. Th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

War Poetry Essay Example

War Poetry Essay Example War Poetry Paper War Poetry Paper Essay Topic: George Herbert Poems Poetry Into the stuff of his thought and utterance, whether he be on active service or not, the poet-interpreter of war weaves these intentions, and cooperates with his fellows in building up a little higher and better, from time to time, that edifice of truth for whose completion can be spared no human experience, no human hope. George Herbert Clarke War is rife with suffering, forcing everyone involved to endure the most extreme of conditions. Armed conflict itself unavoidably places all those involved in mortal danger. Some find this to be a honourable test of courage, others as a waste of precious young lives. However, war has an effect on people outside of soldiers who fight. Numerous other, including relatives of soldiers who have fought, young and innocent children who are confused by the loud noises and the need for their precious father to go to arms and all those people whose houses have are destroyed or used as military fortifications. In some way, war has an effect on everyone. Naturally, war raises many questions, what is the purpose of war? Many have pondered why some of the most intelligent world leaders have had to retort to the most basic of reactions. In light of the recent events in America, the purpose of war is even more relevant. Is a knee-jerk reaction always the right and moral thing to do? Many would say no. If it were merely a question of good versus bad, right versus wrong, then war would serve a straightforward moral purpose. However, it is not usually a case of good versus bad, and in reality the cause of many conflicts in difficult to comprehend. Why do many use religion as their reason to go to arms, when the bases of most religions are forgiveness and peace? Everyone understands the physical torment and horrors of war; many hope never to observe sights like that. However, something draws young men to fight. The media plays a great role in attracting young men to fight, many project war to be something to achieve glory in, and some however act as a deterrent to fight. It is the same with this collection of poetry. There are two clear sections: glory and honour or gruesome and horror. Some poems however, lie in between these two margins and others create new sectors of their own. It is important to discuss the contents of each poem so we can understand the poets own thoughts on war. The first poem to be discussed is To Lucasta, Going to the Wars by Richard Lovelace. It is important to understand the poets background to get a good reason why he had this particular view of war. Lovelaces father died at arms and Richard himself served with the French army during the English civil war. However, his Royalist sympathies lost him his fortune and he died in poverty. Many would think that this would cause him to have a bad view of war but obviously not. The poem is comparatively very simple to understand. The speaker loves the women he addresses, Lucasta. However, he also loves the honour that war brings. His lover is chaste and quiet, Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind he believes to be with her is to be in a nunnery. The speaker does not want Lucasta to believe that he is cruel in leaving her, tell me not, sweet, I am unkind, this opening line tells us of his impending announcement which must be something that she, as any common person would, disagrees with. He is deeply attracted to her, but he has a need for something rather more exciting. Indeed, he goes to war and arms. It is obvious that he is greatly competitive and wishes to confront not only the enemy in general but he wants to be the person to confront, The first foe in the field. The use of alliteration captures the urgency with which he feels. This first foe is described as his new mistress. She is described as being the new object of his devotion, which he chases, he is so eager to posses her obsesses him. It is obvious by this point that his new mistress is in fact honour. He believes in battle much more passionately than he believes in the gentleness of Lucasta. He embraces with a stronger faith the sword, horse and shield of war. It is almost as if he is making love to his mistress, quite different to the relationship he has had with his chaste lover. He is forced to explain his lack of fidelity. He believes that once he has achieved his honour he will become a better lover to Lucasta. His virility his whole sense of being as a man- will be improved. In summate he believes that he will be a better lover when he achieves honour: I could not live thee, dear, so much, Loved I not honour more. He may love honour more than Lucasta, but his prowess as a lover will increase in proportion to the amount of honour he wins. It is obvious that Lovelace believes that war is a good source of honour and this is what draws young men to arms. It is also clear to see that he believes war to be glorious and a route to honour, and in such this poem agrees with many others in the collection. The next poem to be discussed portrays war as being the complete opposite of honourable. The main point of After Blenheim is that war affects not just those who fight in them. Ordinary civilian also suffer. Southey uses certain words with an increasing irony throughout the poem. The poem revolves mainly around three voices, on old and the other two are very young. None of them really understands the great and famous. The poem starts in a rather tranquil manner. The imagery of an old man surrounded by his grandchildren, resting on a summers evening after his days work is done is a very peaceful thought. So far, the poet has introduced us to a peaceful poem and it is obvious that the mood is not going to change. The childrens innocent play is interrupted when Peterkin discovers an object which apparent to be a dead soldiers skull. Old Kaspar says he often discovers the skulls of men who fought at Blenheim: And often when I go to plough The ploughshare turns then out. For many thousand men, said he Were slain in that great victory. Naturally, the children ask what was the purpose of the fighting however Kaspar is unable to provide a valid answer. The little he does know is that the battle was between the British and the French. He also adds the important fact that many civilians suffered also: With fire and sword the country round Was wasted far and wide, And many a childing mother then, And newborn baby died Kaspar also mentions that his father lost his house and was forced to become a refugee. The destruction and slaughter were widespread and indiscriminate. Nursing mothers died with their young, innocent babies. Numerous dead corpses were left to rot on the battlefield. The most important part of the poem is how Southey uses the words great and famous to continuously change meaning. The words are used with increasing irony. Great means large so we assume that a great victory implies that it had remarkable importance and that it had considerable moral validity. Similar to this is the word famous which basically means know to many people, but again used in this context one must assume that it means admirable or well known for its positive contribution to civilisation. It is obvious that Southey has purposely stripped the words of their positive meanings, the words great and famous contradicting with the overwhelming impression of a battle which resulted in much unnecessary suffering, huge losses of human life, and wanton destruction of property. The poet introduces even more irony in the tenth stanza where he has little Willhelmine stating what the reader has been thinking for much of the poem: Why, twas a very wicked thing! The irony introduced by Southey here shows us that a little child can be very good in observing the truth of the matter; it is clear to little Willhelmine that this was not a great victory at all, however, wisdom of Kaspars old mind finds it impossible to summon such thought. It is made clear by the further irony used in the last paragraph what Southeys views on war are. He states ironically that the duke of Marlboroughs received great praise (amongst other large rewards) however, it is still unclear to Peterkin why so much carnage had to be caused, and surely there was a purpose to all this suffering. In the penultimate sentence Kaspar confirms everybodys thoughts and admits that he does not even know the purpose of the war, however he knows that it was a great victory. It is obvious by the language and irony used by Southey that After Blenheim strongly contrasts with those which link war with honour and glory. Therefore, in our groups in the collection this makes up the second major group, where war is thought of as a purposeless and evil thing; just a waste of young lives. The Charge of the Light Brigade vastly contradicts Southeys view of war however, it also agrees with it on some levels. On first reading the poem the reader instantly notices the rhythm, this helps us somewhat to imagine the pace and urgency of the riders. The French general Pierre Bosquet famously said of this event: Cest magnifique, mais ce nest pas la guerre. By this he meant it is magnificent, but it is not war. this sentiment is very much expressed by Tennyson. The main point of the poem is the celebration of the soldiers unquestioning obedience to orders, despite the fact that it was obvious to everyone involved that failure was inevitable. The command, Forward, the Light Brigade! is followed by the comment, Was there a man dismayed? the answer to this obviously being no. Tennyson goes on to add with some irony about the role of a soldier: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die. Tennyson comments on how soldiers a merely pawns at the command of their generals whim. He also comments on the widespread knowledge that few of them would survive. The poem continues with the rhythms and images of the poem captured by the sound of the horses hooves thundering into the Valley of Death. The words that Tennyson uses for this line refer to the bible, Psalm 23 in particular. This is important as the religious link obviously refers to the great sacrifice made by Jesus. The next stanza is full of cinematic imagery: Cannon to right o them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them, Volleyed and thundered; We vividly see the men, the horses, the artillery, the smoke and the deaths of so many innocent men and horses. The shouting of orders in the first two stanzas increases the whole drama of the situation. The above quote gives us the impression of a caged animal, unable to escape. Repetition of certain words also plays a large part too, in particular the number 600, reminding us of just how many lives were out in jeopardy by the incompetence of those in command. The heroism of the men is highlighted once again: Stormed at with shot and shell, Boldly the rode and well, Despite the fact that they are being shot at, they continue to fight on. This sort of heroism contrast greatly with the foolery of the commanders. The poem highlights the incompetence of those in command, Some one had blundered; Tennyson emphasises the breath taking failure of judgement on part of the commanders by using a word of such strength. In line thirty-one, All the world wondered shows the shock of the nation on how not only such mistake may have been made but also the unconditional obedience of the men. Tennyson continues to highlight the fortitude that the Light Brigade fought with: Plunged in the battery-smoke Right through the line they broke; Cossack and Russian reeled from the sabre-stroke Even though the Light Brigade had inferior equipment and inferior number of troops the courage led them to break through the Russian line. In the fifth stanza Tennyson begins by repeating the well known phrase, however this time with Cannon behind them showing us that the Light Brigade are now fleeing the Valley, however Tennyson somehow manages to convey a sense of courage in this act. The last stanza shows that the glory achieved by the Light Brigade will never be forgotten, When can their glory fade? The last three lines really show Tennysons feelings, Honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred! He commands us to remember and honour the courageous Light Brigade. The Charge of the Light Brigade really sits on the fence; it is most certainly a poem of glory and heroism however, it also asks important questions. It accepts the fact that not every soldier can be involved in the making of decisions and so unflinching obedience can be expected. However, they must atleast have confidence that those order are rational. There is no room for blunders. The valour with which the Light Brigade fought has led to nothing. Ode, Written in the Beginning of the Year 1746 is a rather abstract poem. The poem writes about dead soldiers, however there are no wounds. They physical realities of death in battle are disguised by abstractions. The euphemism of death in the first line describes it as sleep again a very vague and abstract sense of death. The word sleep also brings a sense of peace and one instantly assumes the person is now at peace. The corpses are transformed into the brave. The second line gives us the impression that all their country blessed them before they died. Personification plays a large role in this poem; Honour and Freedom are given capital letters and personified as a pilgrim and as a hermit respectively. Collins adds Spring and Fancy as people saying that she shall decorate a better mound of earth than has ever been trod upon. Fairies make an appearance too, ringing their funeral knell. This poem romanticises the view of the dead. The language is very frivolous and the thoughts pious and patriotic. This shows a very narrow-minded view of war and shows that the poet has very little idea of the physical realities of war, the horror, the pain and the suffering. This poem is very hymn like in its structure. The language is very varied and descriptive in an abstract manner, and warrants closer examination. The use of imagery is quite superb: There Honour comes, a pilgrim grey, To bless the turf that wraps their clay, The spring fingers the corpses, sprinkling them with dew. This idea clearly contrasts strongly with a darker view of corpses such as shown in The Hyaenas, discussed later. The next poem, On the Idle Hill, is my personal favourite poem out of the collection. The stark contrast Houseman creates between the calm, peaceful, tranquillity of sitting upon a hill in the country and the vision of soldiers marching off to war and inevitably some to death is very thought provoking. There are other strong contrasts too, the men are, Dear to friends and food for powder. The gunpowder is personified, its unquenchable appetite implied. The image of young, fit men is contrasted with graphic images of their corpses. The men have been violently treated and stripped of identity: Bleach the bones of comrades slain, Lovely lads and dead and rotten; None that go return again. These images are fixed in the speakers and the readers mind, and therefore there is an expectation that the speaker in the poem will resist becoming a solider himself at all costs. However, the final stanza shows a new skin becoming darker and more unexpected. The bugles, drums, and fifes seem to be calling to him. The last line is of the utmost importance: Woman bore me, I will rise. He is human, similar to Macduff in Shakespeares Macbeth he is born of a woman, so he will rise from his idle hill to join the files of scarlet. The speaker acknowledges the grim reality of war, but he is unable to resist its call. He fulfils his basic human instinct of fighting for the survival of his fellow man. There is no way to opt out. The idea of comradeship is very important in this poem. This poem talks about the irresistibility of war. The last poem to be discussed is possibly the most important to be discussed. The Hyaenas talks about how humans are worse than animals. The hyenas use the dead men only for meat, To take account of our dead. They are interested in the dear corpses of the soldiers only as food, How he died and why he died Troubles them not a whit. They pull them out of their shallow graves on the battlefield and eat them. This is horrible to imagine however, they are doing only what comes naturally to them, their basic instinct is to survive. Kipling continues on to state how hyenas are better than humans are once again: They are only resolute they shall eat, That they and their mates may thrive. Hyenas are soulless and, therefore, innocent of any malice. They are only scavengers: they did not kill the men in the first place. This surely makes them better than humans. In the first stanza the kites are described as baffled. It seams illogical that the humans should kill each other like this, and for what purpose. The hyenas are described as wise, since it is easier to dig up fresh meat that trying to kill prey for themselves. The reader gets the impression that the hyenas are much wiser than the foolish humans who have done such dreadful things to each other. They eat to survive, not in excess, and not out of gluttony. The dead soldiers a poor dead soldier of the king with pitiful face are past suffering now. They are not affected by the hyenas feeding. What the hyenas do is very private, But it is not discovered to living men. There are no human beings around to see. Only God sees this along with the soulless and therefore, innocent hyenas. The language used by Kipling is very thought provoking. In particular the final two lines. Through out the poem the poet has criticised mankind for the behaviour to each other. He says that the hyenas do not disrepect the dead mens name, this is upto the humans: Nor do they defile the dead mans name That is reserved for his kind. There is neither honour nor glory in this poem, merely pity, sadness and anger at the cruelty that mankind can be so shameless. The poets discussed are not merely individual poems they make up the collection of pre 1914 war poetry. There are many trends that can be seen in the collection, the simpleton might say that its a matter of glory and pointlessness. However, this is not the case. Yes there are poems which are like this but the majority are not clear cut. Some fit into the category of war being death and mutilation. Others fit into war being a route to glory and others being war brings dishonour to those who wage it. The irresistibly of war is also stated and the fact that war brings suffering non-combatants too. The majority of the collection fits into many of these categories and many more. I have discovered a variety of responses in this collections many of them are difficult to categorise. The poems that describe war as a waste of young lives and as a source of death and mutilation are: Drummer Hodge, Come up From the Fields Father, The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Drums and A Christmas Ghost story. However, other poems refer to war being a route to glory: To Lucasta, Going to Wars, The Charge of the Light Brigade and Ode, Written in the Beginning Of The Year 1746. Many people would say that war is necessary; one must fight for what they want; however, I disagree. I personally take Kiplings point of view on war, war is useless and all those who wage it are dishonourable. However, I also agree that soldiers are merely pawns doing a job. Surely, it is not their fault if their commanders choose to wage wars, there is not always a correct and responsible way to resolve problems and inevitably problems will occur. In summate it would be a different essay if I wished to talk about my own view point on war, however, it must be mentioned to show the impact of war. My own view point is that war is not necessary all the time, however, sometimes it is needed. Referring to the quote included at the beginning of my essay. Poets must write about war, all write from their own perspective, the poem would be negligible if it did not show the poets thoughts. However, if I had to write a poem on war it would not be about glory or honour, nor would it be about shame and death. My poem would be about truth and hope.