Friday, December 27, 2019

Four Learning Styles TEAC21 Essay - 987 Words

Four Learning Styles 1.Sensing-Thinking or Mastery Learners What Motivates Mastery Learners? Master learners rely on sensing as a mode of perception and thinking as a means of judgment or decision making. They prefer well-organized, highly-reutilized classrooms where expectations are clearly described and strongly related to practical outcomes such as good grades, things they can make or do, and practical connections to jobs and careers. More than anything else Mastery learners want to appear competent, able to complete the work assigned as well or better than other students in their classrooms or grade levels. How Mastery Students Learn Most Easily The combination of sensing with thinking creates students with a strong need for†¦show more content†¦How Understanding Students Learn Most Easily The Understanding learner thrives in an intellectual atmosphere and has a strong drive for perfection. Rigorous texts, demanding and complex ideas, well-organized but provocative lectures stimulate Understanding learners’ brains to action. But this intellectual atmosphere needs to be balanced effectively with opportunities for them to develop their own ideas and to question, revise, and criticize the ideas of others. They may grasp a new concept with frightening speed and lucidity but may require more time to think things through and put the new learning into action. The demand for logical consistency means they have a strong need to question and test ideas. Finally, their concern with intellectual content and reasoning sometimes causes them to undervalue the need for routine work and practice resulting in boredom when teachers insist on drill and practice. 3.Intuitive-Feeling or Self-Expressive Learners What Motivates Self-Expressive Learners? Self-Expressive learners rely on intuition as a mode of perception and feeling as a means of judgment or decision making. The intuition of Self-Expressive learners uses hunch, guessing, and insight to organize the world into shifting patterns of possibility. Meanwhile, their feeling function applies association, memory, and emotion to the task of turning these patterns into concrete images they can

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Childhood Innocence In JD Salingers Catcher In The Rye

â€Å"The notion of innocence refers to childrens simplicity, their lack of knowledge, and their purity not yet spoiled by mundane affairs† according to Oxford Bibliography. Many people think of children as a representation of innocence. To them, childhood innocence vacates over time and doesn’t hold value or much importance. In Catcher in the Rye, it embodies much more significance. All of the qualities of childhood innocence mentioned from Oxford Bibliography hold significance in this symbolistic story. In Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger depicts the comforting escape of childhood innocence while transitioning to the adult world. Salinger demonstrates symbolism when he shows Holden expresses the desire to conserve his past as he transitions†¦show more content†¦Along with Phoebe, his red hunting hat obtains a similar amount of value to him. Salinger symbolizes the hat as protection from adulthood and his depression. Phoebe, who symbolizes childhood innocence, acts as an escape from adulthood and depression. With this, Holden decides to give his hat to Phoebe, preserving the innocence. Even though these contain the most value, when moving on, he lets them go to start his new life and preserve its importance. When Salinger shows Holden restricting himself from going into the museum and giving his hunting hat to Phoebe, he demonstrates symbolism. Salinger utilizes setting to show the importance of childhood innocence. Not only does Holden cherish childhood innocence, but he worries about what can damage it. When at Phoebe’s school, Holden notices a phrase on the wall that makes him worry about k ids at the school. Holden says â€Å"I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody’d written ‘Fuck you’ on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it and how they’d wonder what it meant† (221). Phoebe’s school represents innocence because of the kids that spend their day there playing and learning. The writing on the wall shocks him. It worries him that Phoebe and the little kids would see it, later figuring out what it meant and losing their innocence. Another example Salinger gives of Holden noticing the childhoodShow MoreRelatedEssay about J.D. Salingers Development of Holden Caulfield1174 Words   |  5 Pagestheir own life as inspiration towards their works and characters. J.D. Salinger’s character development of Holden Caulfield has been affected by Salinger’s complications in his school life, devastating past relationships, and overwhelming traumatic events dur ing his pre-The Catcher in the Rye adulthood. J.D. Salinger’s school life had many significant events that are shown through Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye. In the novel, the 17-year-old Holden Caulfield leaves Pencey Prep. InRead MoreCatcher in the Rye4413 Words   |  18 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye â€Å"Is The Catcher in the Rye, as a work of literature still relevant for today’s youth?† Name: Sara Sigurdson Course: English A1 Supervisor: Mr. Peter Steadman Word count: 3851 Candidate number: 00136022 Table of Contents Content Page Number Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Actual Catcher in the Rye 4 The Sexual Matter 5 The Caulfield Family 6 Narrator and Protagonist 8 Role Model 9 Mr. Antolini 10 Targeted Audience 10 Guidance 12 Read More Importance of Language in The Catcher in the Rye Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚   The Catcher in the Rye, like many other great works, was met by scornful criticism and unyielding admiration. However, many literary critics also marveled at Salingers use of language, which was used to make Holden Caulfield, the main character, extremely realistic. Such language includes both repetition of phrases and blatant cursing, in order to capture the informal speech of the average, northeastern American adolescent. Through Holdens thoughts and dialogues, Salinger successfully createdRead MoreEtymology and Symbolism of Characters Names in Catcher in the Rye1967 Words   |  8 PagesNames in Catcher in the Rye      Ã‚  Ã‚   Catcher in the Ryes pallid cover, adorned only with seven multicolored bands in its upper-left corner, is not what one would call eye-catching. Its reverse side lacks criticisms or reviews of any sort; in fact, it is bare of anything except a copyright date. Human beings are advised not to judge books by their covers, rather that they should look further than the obvious and try to apprehend the implied meaning. The world has peered past Catcher in the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Woman Representation in Comic Books for Portrayal - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theWoman Representation in Comic Books for Portrayal. Answer: Comic books always had the difficulty in maintaining the characterization of women. Women portrayal in comic books has always been a topic of controversy, since its inception. Both Marvel and DC comics are trying to promote women characters, with an attempt of de-sexualizing them. Marvel tried to showcase some super talents but the attempts are mostly unsuccessful. Critics have argued that women roles as supporting or lead characters are more subjected to the gender stereotypes; often they are objectified in a sexualized manner. Apart from super girls, women were primarily depicted in secondary characters, for example; career girls, sexy teenagers or romantic heroines. Previously, the female comic creators have always been a minority in the comic industry. They have made notable impact in the beginning. However, female comic writers dont achieve much recognition as that of the male comic artists. Women comic creators have been working in every genre, beginning from superheroes to romance, horror to crime, war to westerns and more. Some famous women comic writers are; Becky Cloonan, Gail Simone, Kate Leth and others. Therefore, differences still exists in this modern society and women are portrayed in stereotypical manner. At times, some of the characters sex appeal is used to launch the comic series (Bongco). While male superheroes are portrayed as some serious figure, womens sexuality is being used enormously. A few months ago, the movie Wonder Woman adapted from the famous DC Comics character, released and received mixed reviews. Many argued that the representation of the female character was too mainstream. Some said the character is much of a feminist icon, others felt it was just another movie with a female superhero. However, the sexualization of female characters in comic world is a major concern. Even Marvel comics depict women in a blatant manner, treating them unequally as compared to their male counterparts. Therefore, comics make women seem week, less aggressive, less dangerous and not on an equal track with the male characters (Wolf). References Bongco, Mila.Reading comics: Language, culture, and the concept of the superhero in comic books. Routledge, 2014. Wolf, Naomi.The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. Random House, 2013.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Valley Forge free essay sample

The question for many of us men is Should I quit? I have thought long and hard about this but I am deciding to reenlist for three main reasons: the sickness of the men, loyality to my country, and belief in our cause. Grabber Background Restatement of question Definition of key terms (if necessary) Thesis Roadmap First body paragraph: It is February 1, 1778, and about one-half of Washingtons army are too sick to report for roll call. (Doc A) During the winter, between 1800 and 2500 will die from illness. (Doc A) I admit these numbers make me scared sometimes. I want to live like any man. My parents need me to plant the spring wheat. But all this sickness and death makes me realize that I cant quit now. I dont want my dead friends to have died for nothing. I am not Just fighting for myself. I am fighting for my fallen comrads. We will write a custom essay sample on Valley Forge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Baby Evidence with citations Argument Second body paragraph: A second reason I am reenlisting is loyalty to my government. Several weeks ago a fine group of fellows called the Committee of Congress arrived at Valley Forge. I remember our first visit together, us in rags, and they in their fine clothes. Doc B) We idnt know quite what to make of them but they have stayed on through much of the winter, helping the General with his heavy responsibility. The Committee makes me feel that my government cares, that someone is listening. My government supports me. I will stay on and support my government. Baby Thesis Third body paragraph: What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. (Doc D) In other words, youve got to be willing to pay the price if you want something important. So what does this mean? It means when the going gets tough, youve Just got to take a big breath and ouve got to do the Job. You dont cut and run. You reenlist. Freedom is worth the price! Baby Thesis Conclusion: I do understand why some of my fellow soldiers are going home. Our huts are all smoky, we go days without meat, our clothes are torn up. (Docs B and C) We even hear stories about local farmers, Americans, who are selling their food to the British in Philadelphia. I simply feel that our cause is bigger than all this. Theres still a Job to do. I will go do it. Restatement of thesis Although statement Main argument which trumps although statement Why the question is important today